1. Is this statement true: Poison - is a chemical foreign to the body that violates the normal course of biochemical processes in the body and its doesn't cause disorder of physiological functions expressed in varying degrees. a) Yes b) No * 2. Is this statement true: Poison - is a chemical foreign to the body that violates the normal course of biochemical processes in the body and its cause disorder of physiological functions expressed in varying degrees. a) Yes * b) No 3. Is this statement true: Poisoning - pathological process that results from the impact of the incoming ambient poisonous substances of different origin. a) Yes * b) No 4. Is this statement true: The lethal dose is the smallest amount of poison per kg body weight, which can cause intoxication. a) Yes b) No * 5. Is this statement true: The lethal dose is the smallest amount of poison per kg body weight, which can cause death. a) Yes * b) No 6. Is this statement true: The toxic dose is the smallest amount of poison per kg body weight, which cause death. a) Yes b) No * 7. Is this statement true: The toxic dose is the smallest amount of poison per kg body weight, which cause intoxication. a) Yes * b) No 8. Is this statement true: Toxicodynamics - the effect of the poison on the body. a) Yes * b) No 9. Is this statement true: Toxicodynamics - reflects the impact of the body on the poison a) Yes b) No * 10. Is this statement true: Toxicokinetics - the effect of the poison on the body. a) Yes b) No * 11. Is this statement true: Toxicokinetics - reflects the impact of the body on the poison a) Yes * b) No 12. The practice classification of toxic substances is: a) Poisoning with inorganic compounds, with organic compounds, with medications, with warfare agents, with plant poisons, with animal poisons, Foodborne poisons * b) Accidents (accidental poisoning); Аbuse with alcohol and psychoactive substances; Suicide attempts ; Therapeutic poisoning 13. The structure of poisoning is: a) Poisoning with inorganic compounds, with organic compounds, with medications, with warfare agents, with plant poisons, with animal poisons, Foodborne poisons * b) Accidents (accidental poisoning); Аbuse with alcohol and psychoactive substances; Suicide attempts ; Therapeutic poisoning * 14. The classification of the antidotes according to their mechanism of action: a) Antidotes with mechanical action b)Antidotes acting on physico-chemical way c) Antidotes operating in a competitive mechanism d) Antidotes acting through chelatoformation e) Antidotes, acting on the principle of functional mechanism f) Immunologically active antidotes g) Antidotes with antidote-like action. h) all of the above * 15. The classification of the antidotes according to their mechanism of action: a) Antidotes with mechanical action * b) Antidotes acting on physico-chemical way * c) Antidotes operating in a competitive mechanism * d) Antidotes acting through chelatoformation * e) Antidotes, acting on the principle of functional mechanism * f) Immunologically active antidotes * g) Antidotes with antidote-like action * h) none of the above 16. Select the correct answers: Decontamination of the entry door includes: Hemodialysis b) Removing the patient from the gassed environment * c) Placing a tourniquet d) Cleansing enema * 17. Select the correct answers: Preventing absorption and Decontamination of the entry door include: a) Gastric lavage * b) Surgical treatment of the wound c) Forced diuresis d) Removing the contaminated clothes and washing the skin with soap and water * 18. Select the correct answers: Decontamination of the humoral part includes enhancement of elimination with: a) Forced diuresis * b) Removing the patient from the gassed environment c) Hemodialysis * d) Cleansing enema e) Charcoal hemoperfusion * f) Gastric lavage g) dialysis * e) oxygen therapy 19. Select the correct answers: Decontamination of the humoral part includes enhancement of elimination with: a) Gastric lavage b) oxygen therapy c) Hemodialysis * d) Forced diuresis * e) enema f) Charcoal hemoperfusion * 20. Select the correct answers: Relative contraindications to perform gastric lavage are: a) Severe collapse * b) Seizure * c) Acute intoxication with corrosive substances and detergents d) Coma * 21. Select the correct answers: Relative contraindications to perform gastric lavage are: a) Seizure * b) Fresh bleeding from the gastrointestinal system c) Delirium * d) Coma * 22. Select the correct answers: Relative contraindications to perform gastric lavage are: a) Coma * b) Delirium * c) Seizure * d) Fresh bleeding from the gastrointestinal system 23. Select the correct answers: Absolute contraindications to perform gastric lavage are: a) Fresh bleeding from the gastrointestinal system * b) Coma c) Acute intoxication with corrosive substances and detergents * d) Seizure 24. Select the correct answers: Absolute contraindications to perform gastric lavage are: a) Delirium b) Fresh bleeding from the gastrointestinal system * c) Acute intoxication with corrosive substances and detergents * d) Coma e) Seizure 25. Select the correct answers: Absolute contraindications to perform gastric lavage are: a) Acute intoxication with corrosive substances and detergents * b) Seizure c) Delirium d) Coma e) Fresh bleeding from the gastrointestinal system * 26. Select the correct answers: Alkaline forced diuresis applies to: a) Acute intoxication with Alcohols * b) Acute intoxication with Amphetamines c) Acute intoxication with Salicylates * d) Acute intoxication with Strychnine 27. Select the correct answers: Alkaline forced diuresis applies to: a) Acute intoxication with Amphetamines b) Acute intoxication with Alcohols * c) Acute intoxication with Barbiturates * d) Acute intoxication with Salicylates * 28. Select the correct answers: Alkaline forced diuresis applies to: a) Acute intoxication with Ethanol * b) Acute intoxication with Salicylates * c) Acute intoxication with Antifreeze * d) Acute intoxication with Amphetamines e) Acute intoxication with Methanol * 29. Select the correct answers: Acidic forced diuresis applies to: a) Acute intoxication with Amphetamines * b) Acute intoxication with Antifreeze c) Acute intoxication with Barbiturates d) Acute intoxication with Salicylates 30. Select the correct answers: Acidic forced diuresis applies to: a) Acute intoxication with Barbiturates b) Acute intoxication with Methanol c) Acute intoxication with Amphetamines * d) Acute intoxication with Strychnine * 31. What is the specific antidot for poisoning with the heavy metal - Lead? a) Na 2 EDTA b) Methylene blue c) Ca Na 2 EDTA * d) Desferal 32. What is the specific antidot for poisoning with the heavy metal - Lead? a) Ca Na 2 EDTA * b) Na 2 EDTA c) Methylene blue d) Desferal 33. Nootropics (Pyramem, Nootropil) and Vitamin B6 are nonspecific antidotes for poisoning with: a) Neuroleptics b) Benzodiazepines c) Antidepressants d) All of the above * 34. Select the correct answers: Barbiturate coma is characterized by the following clinical manifestations: a) "relaxed" coma - like deep sleeping * b) Extrapyramidal symptoms c) It’s typical for pupils - alternation of miosis, mydriasis and anisocoria * d) Flushing of the skin 35. Select the correct answers: Neurogenic form of respiratory disorders in barbiturates poisoning is characterized by the following pathological conditions; a) Inhibition and paralysis of the Respiratory center * b) Regurgitation c) Impairment of respiratory muscles * d) Block tissue respiratory enzymes 36. Choose the right statements: a) Charcoal hemoperfusion is the Extracorporeal detoxification in barbiturates poisoning * b) In barbiturates poisoning is done Acidic forced diuresis c) The specific antidote of barbiturates poisoning is Bemegride * d) The specific antidote of barbiturates poisoning is Flumazenil 37. Choose the right statements: a) The specific antidote of benzodiazepines poisoning is Anexate * b) The clinical manifestation of benzodiazepines poisoning is: hyporeflexia, muscle hypotension, arterial hypotension, tachycardia, coma, breathing disturbance from suppressed Respiratory center * c) In barbiturates poisoning is done Acidic forced diuresis d) Charcoal hemoperfusion is the Extracorporeal detoxification in barbiturates poisoning * e) The specific antidote of barbiturates poisoning is Flumazenil 38. Choose the right statements: a) Gastric lavage is contraindicated in poisoning with barbiturates b) In barbiturates poisoning is done Alkaline forced diuresis * c) The specific antidote of barbiturates poisoning is Bemegride * d) The specific antidote of barbiturates poisoning is Flumazenil 39. Choose the right statements: a) The clinical manifestation of benzodiazepines poisoning is: hyporeflexia, muscle hypotension, arterial hypotension, tachycardia, coma, breathing disturbance from suppressed Respiratory center * b) Benzodiazepines do not have Antiepileptic action c) The specific antidote of benzodiazepines poisoning is Akineton d) The specific antidote of benzodiazepines poisoning is Flumazenil (Anexate) * 40. Anexate is the specific antidote for poisoning with: a) Phenothiazine neuroleptics b) Benzodiazepines * c) Antidepressants d) None of these 41. What is the action of the neuroleptics? a) Emetic action b) Antipsyhotic action * c) Vagotonic action d) Anti-allergic action * 42. What is the action of the neuroleptics? a) Antipsyhotic action * b) Vagotonic action c) Antiemetic action * d) Anxiolytic action * 43. The specific antidote for poisoning with Phenothiazine neuroleptics is: a) Bemegride b) Flumazenil c) Akineton * d) Naloxon 44. Which of the following intoxications manifest with Extrapyramidal symptoms? a) Acute intoxication with phenothiazine neuroleptics * b) Acute intoxication with benzodiazepines c) Acute intoxication with antidepressants d) None of these 45. Which of the following intoxications manifest with Extrapyramidal symptoms? a) Acute intoxication with benzodiazepines b) Acute intoxication with antidepressants c) Acute intoxication with phenothiazine neuroleptics * d) All of the above 46. Akineton is the specific antidote for poisoning with: a) Phenothiazine neuroleptics * b) Benzodiazepines c) Antidepressants d) None of these 47. The Opioid Toxidrome is characterized by the following clinical manifestation: a) "relaxed" coma - like deep sleeping b) myosis, coma, cyanosis, bradypnoea, bradycardia * c) Extrapyramidal symptoms d) mydriasis, tachycardia, gloss in the eyes, hypersalivation, rhinorhoea e) fever, paleness, rapid irregular heart rhythm, paranoia, breath suppression 48. The following clinical triad - Myosis, Coma, Bradypnoea is specific for poisoning with: a) Benzodiazepines b) Cocaine c) Opioids * d) Methamphetamines 49. Opioid poisoning is characterized by the following clinical Triad: a) Mydriasis, Coma, Tachypnoea b) Mydriasis, Coma, Bradypnoea c) Myosis, Coma, Bradypnoea * 50. What is the specific antidote for poisoning with opiates? a) Atropine b) Flumazenil c) Naloxon * d) Akineton 51. Naloxon is the specific antidote for poisoning with: a) Antidepressants b) Opiates * c) Benzodiazepines d) Organophosphates 52. Which of the following is typical for poisoning with Tricyclic antidepressants? a) dry mucous membranes, flushed skin, tachycardia, mydriasis * b) Myosis, Bradycardia, coma c) hypotension, rhythm and conduction disorders * d) Myosis, vomiting, Sweating, Salivation 53. Which of the following is typical for poisoning with Tricyclic antidepressants? a) Hypertension, CNS depression, Myosis b) dry mucous membranes, flushed skin, tachycardia, mydriasis * c) vomiting, Salivation, Sweating d) Hypotension, delirium, hallucinations and disorientation * 54. Which of the following intoxications manifest with Anticholinergic syndrome? a) Acute intoxication with phenothiazine neuroleptics b) Acute intoxication with benzodiazepines c) Acute intoxication with antidepressants * d) All of the above 55. Which of the following is typical for poisoning with Tricyclic antidepressants? a) Anticholinergic syndrome - dry flushed skin, dry mucous membranes, tachycardia, mydriasis * b) Myosis, coma, Bradycardia c) Hypertension, CNS depression, d) agitation, delirium, hallucinations and disorientation * 56. Deep Alcoholic coma is characterized by the following symptoms: a) complete loss of pain sensitivity b) muscle atony c) hypothermia d) a sharp decline in tendon reflexes e) All of the above * 57. Surface Alcoholic coma is characterized by the following symptoms: a) loss of consciousness b) lack of verbal contact c) variability of muscle tone and tendon reflexes d) intermittent abnormal eye symptoms (floating movement of the eyeballs, anisocoria) e) All of the above * 58. The metabolites of Methanol are: a) Formaldehyde * b) Formic Acid * c) Acetaldehyde d) Oxalic acid 59. The metabolites of Methanol are: a) Formic Acid * b) Acetaldehyde c) Oxalic acid d) Formaldehyde * 60. Pathognomonic changes in the methanol poisoning are: a) carboxyhemoglobinemia b) "snow storm", lack of light reaction, photophobia, blepharospasm, full blindness * c) visual acuity limitation (reduced perception, narrowed perimeters, sparkle, blurred and double vision, lightning strikes) * d) degeneration of the tubules of the kidneys e) severe metabolite acidosis * 61. Pathognomonic changes in the methanol poisoning are: a) severe metabolite acidosis * b) acute renal failure c) carboxyhemoglobinemia d) "snow storm", lack of light reaction, photophobia, blepharospasm, full blindness * 62. The antidotes for methanol poisoning are: a) Acetylcysteine b) Folic acid * c) Ethanol or Fomepizole * d) Unitiol e) Alfa-tocopherol 63. Metabolites of Ethylene glycol are: a) Formaldehyde b) Formic acid c) Glycolaldehyde * d) Glycolic acid * e) Oxalic acid * 64. Metabolites of Ethylene glycol are: a) Glycolaldehyde * b) Glycolic acid * c) Formaldehyde d) Oxalic acid * e) Formic acid 65. Pathognomonic changes in the Ethylene glycol poisoning are: a) degeneration of the tubules of the kidneys * b) optic nerve damage – neuritis nn. Optici c) Acute respiratory failure d) carboxyhemoglobinemia e) severe metabolite acidosis * 66. Pathognomonic changes in the Ethylene glycol poisoning are: a) optic nerve damage – neuritis nn. Optici b) Acute renal failure * c) degeneration of the tubules of the kidneys * d) severe metabolite acidosis * e) the burn of the digestive tract 67. Specific antidotes for Ethylene glycol poisoning are: a) Ethanol or Fomepizole * b) Atropin c) Naloxon d) Calcium gluconicum * e) Alfa-tocopherol 68. Specific antidotes for Ethylene glycol poisoning are: a) Calcium gluconicum * b) Sodium bicarbonate * c) Acetylcysteine d) Ethanol or Fomepizole * e) Unitiol 69. In poisoning with toxic inhalants the most severe damage of respiratory system is: a) Acute toxic pulmonary edema * b) Acute toxic tracheobronchitis c) Acute toxic bronchiolitis d) catarrhal bronchopneumonia 70. In Carbon Monoxide poisoning the hypoxia is a result of: a) forming Methhemoglobin b) forming Carboxyhemoglobin * c) forming Cyanohydrine d) broncho-pulmonary system damages 71. In Nitrite poisoning the hypoxia is a result of: a) forming Carboxyhemoglobin b) forming Myoglobin c) forming Methhemoglobin * d) broncho-pulmonary system damages 72. In Organophosphate poisoning bronchorrhea and bronchospasmus are effects of: a) hemodynamic disorders b) an increase in membrane permeability c) inhibition of M-cholinergic receptors d) excitation of M-cholinergic receptors * e) excitation of N-cholinergic receptors 73. In Organophosphate poisoning bronchorhea and bronchospasmus are effects of: a) excitation of N-cholinergic receptors b) an increase in membrane permeability c) hemodynamic disorders d) inhibition of M-cholinergic receptors e) excitation of M-cholinergic receptors * 74. In Organophosphate poisonings muscle fasciculations and paresis of the respiratory muscles are effects of: a) excitation of the central nervous system b) inhibition of N-cholinergic receptors c) excitation of N-cholinergic receptor * d) excitation of M-cholinergic receptors e) inhibition of the central nervous system 75. The main clinical manifestation in Organophosphate poisoning is associated with accumulation in the body of: a) Dopamine b) Serotonin c) Acetylcholine * d) Histamine e) Oligopeptides 76. The main clinical manifestation in Organophosphate poisoning is associated with accumulation in the body of: a) Serotonin b) Catechol amines c) Histamine d) Acetylcholine * 77. Which of the following laboratory tests is performed to verify poisoning with organophosphates? a) determination of methemoglobin b) determining the activity of the enzyme cholinesterase * c) Determination of free hemoglobin d) determination of carboxyhemoglobin 78. The most important diagnostic criteria to atropinization in Organophosphate poisoning is: a) dry mucous membranes * b) Mydriasis c) Tachycardia d) Myosis 79. Which are the antidotes for poisoning with organophosphates? a) Atropine * b) Vit C c) Diazepam * d) Dopamine e) Toxogonin * f) Akineton 80. Which are the antidotes for poisoning with Organophosphates? a) Toxogonin * b) Atropine * c) Vit C d) Akineton 81. The local clinical manifestations of the snake bites are: a) 2 spotted hemorrhagic wounds from the snake's two canine teeth b) a strong prolonged pain at the bite and numbness of the limb, stiffness, paraesthesia c) edema, covering adjacent areas and subcutaneous hemorrhage d) devascularisation of the bite site with development of cyanotic, thrombotic and necrotic processes e) secondary infection with toxic phlegmon inflammation f) all of the above * 82. The local clinical manifestations of the snake bites are: a) a strong prolonged pain at the bite * b) increasing widespread tissue swelling and cyanosis * c) subcutaneous hemorrhage at the site of tissue edema * d) agitation, convulsions e) collapse, shock (anaphylaxis) 83. Clinical manifestations of local snakebites are: a) agitation, convulsions b) a strong prolonged pain at the bite * c) collapse, shock (anaphylaxis) d) increasing widespread tissue swelling and cyanosis * e) subcutaneous hemorrhage at the site of tissue edema * 84. The General toxicity symptoms of the snake bites are: a) a strong prolonged pain at the bite b) agitation, convulsions * c) subcutaneous hemorrhage at the site of tissue edema d) collapse, shock (anaphylaxis) * 85. Local treatment of snake bites includes: a) putting a tourniquet * b) injection into the wound 1/2 amp anti-snakes serum c) cold compresses with ice and rivanol * d) immobilization of a limb * 86. Common clinical manifestations of poisoning from the bite of the Black Widow are: a) a sharp pain at the site of the bite b) chest pain, abdominal pain, muscle tension abdominals * c) psychomotor agitation, hallucinations, muscle twitching * d) tachycardia, arrythmia, hypertension * e) chills, sweating * 87. The treatment for the spider Black Widow bite includes: a) introduction of specific antivenom b) forced diuresis c) analgesics d) desensitizing therapy e) restoration of adequate breathing, including artificial ventilation f) all of the above * 88. What are the specific antidotes for corrosive poisoning with inorganic bases (alkaline substances)? a) Liquid paraffin b) Protein water * c) Emetin d) Activated charcoal e) Anticorrosive mixture * 89. What are the specific antidotes for corrosive poisoning with inorganic acids? a) Liquid paraffin b) Protein water * c) Magnesia usta d) Activated charcoal e) Anticorrosive mixture * 90. Is this statement true: Regardless of the entry door of petroleum derivatives intoxication, the respiratory system is the main target organ involved. a) Yes * b) No 91. Oral poisoning with petroleum derivatives demonstrated with: a) Gastrointestinal syndrome * b) Cerebrotoxic syndrome * c) Muscarinic syndrome d) Toxic damage syndrome of the parenchymal organs - lung, liver, kidneys, pancreas * e) Oil Chemical Pneumonia * f) toxic pulmonary edema * g) secondary bacterial pneumonia * h) all of the above 92. Select the correct answers for oral acute poisoning with petroleum derivatives: a) Do Gastric lavage b) Don’t do Gastric lavage * c) The patient is given to drink activated charcoal d) The patient is given to drink Liquid paraffin * 93. Respiratory resuscitation in acute poisoning with petroleum derivatives included: a) Gastric lavage b) Endotracheal intubation * c) Oxygenation - with positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) * d) Forced diuresis e) Infusion therapy 94. Poisoning after inhalation of petroleum derivatives is characterized by a) cerebrotoxic syndrome * b) pulmotoxic syndrome * c) ”Gasoline drunkenness” * d) none of the above 95. Is this statement true: In the severe intoxication with petroleum derivatives occur with coma, convulsions, chemical pneumonia, paralysis of Respiratory Center and Vasomotor Center and death. a) Yes * b) No 96. Transdermal penetration of petroleum derivatives is characterized by: a) corrosive damage to the skin and mucous membranes b) contact dermatitis * c) petroleum acne * d) none of the above 97. Is this statement true: In poisoning after inhalation with petroleum derivatives ”Gasoline drunkenness” is often observed. a) Yes * b) No 98. N-Acetylcysteine is the specific antidote for poisoning with is: a) Paracetamol * b) Antidepressants c) Salicylates d) Analgin 99. N-Acetylcysteine is the antidote for poisoning with: a) NSAIDs b) Salicylates c) Nonnarcotic analgesics d) Paracetamol * 100. The specific antidote for poisoning with Paracetamol is: a) Naloxon b) N-Acetylcysteine * c) Syntostigmin d) Anexate 101. The specific antidote for poisoning with Paracetamol is: a) Naloxon b) Syntostigmin c) Anexate d) N-Acetylcysteine * 102. Which of the following Psychoactive substances are CNS Stimulants: a) Ecstasy * b) Heroin c) Methamphetamines * d) Dlcohol e) Cocaine * 103. Which of the following Psychoactive substances are CNS Stimulants: a) Cocaine * b) Alcohol c) LSD d) Amphetamines * e) Ecstasy * 104. Which of the following Psychoactive substances are Hallucinogens: a) Alcohol b) Opiates c) Mescaline * d) Psilocybin * 105. Which of the following Psychoactive substances are Hallucinogens: a) Psilocybin * b) Opiates c) Marijuana * d) Alcohol 106. Pathognomonic changes of Muscarinic mushroom poisoning are: a) Optic nerve damage b) Cholinergic toxidrom (Muscarinic syndrome) * c) Acute renal failure d) Anticholinergic toxidrome 107. Pathognomonic changes of Phalloid mushroom poisoning are: a) hepatic necrosis with acute liver failure - chemical hepatectomy * b) optic nerve damage c) Acute renal failure d) hemolytic effect and haemostasis disturbance * e) severe metabolite acidosis 108. Which of the following mushroom poisoning is with a long latency period? a) Amanita panterina mushroom poisoning b) Nitrous mushroom poisoning c) Phalloid mushroom poisoning * d) Muscarinic mushroom poisoning 109. Which of the following mushroom poisonings has clinical manifestations with Schizophrenia-like syndrome and Cholinolytic syndrome? a) Muscarinic mushroom poisoning b) panterina mushroom poisoning c) Psylocybe mexicana mushroom poisoning * d) Phalloid mushroom poisoning