1. According to its genetic mechanism, atopy is: a. autosomal dominant b. autosomal recurrence c. due to the interaction between different primary and secondary genes having many allelic forms* d. due to a new genetic mutation 2. The anaphylactic reaction is: a. type 1 hypersensitivity reaction* b. type 2 hypersensitivity reaction c. Type 3 hypersensitivity reaction d. type 4 hypersensitivity reaction 3. Anaphylaxis-inducing antibodies are: a. IgG class b. IgA class c. IgM class d. IgE class* 4 The anaphylactic reaction has: a. one phase b. two phases* c. three phases d. several phases of flow 5. Thenewlysynthesizedmastcellmediatorsintheanaphylacticreactionare: a. prostaglandinsandleukotrienes* b. only prostaglandins c.only leukotrienes d. histamine 6. The major blood cells involved in the pathogenesis of anaphylaxis are: a. neutrophils b.mast cells* c. macrophages d.eosinophils 7. The early phase of anaphylaxis is clinically manifested: a. 5-30 minutes after contact with the allergen* b. 60-90 minutes after contact with the allergen c. 6-12 hours after contact with the allergen d. there is no definite period 8. The main biological mediator causing the initial pathophysiological changes in anaphylaxis is: a. platelet activating factor b. TNF alpha c. histamine* d. diacylglycerol 9. Pathophysiological changes in anaphylaxis are expressed in: a. spasm of blood vessels and smooth muscle b. dilatation of blood vessels and smooth muscle c. dilation of small blood vessels, increase of their permeability and spasm of smooth muscle* d. dilation of small blood vessels, reduction of their permeability and spasm of smooth muscle 10. The late phase of the anaphylactic reaction is caused by: a. de newly synthesized histamine b. de newly synthesized mediators - prostaglandins and leukotrienes* c. late effect of protease enzymes d. TNF-beta 11. The most common cause of death in anaphalactic shock is: a. the inability to control hypotension* c. cardiac arrhythmias s. conduction disorders of the heart e. bronchospasm 12. Inwhichdiseasedoesallergenspecificimmunotherapyshould notbeapplied: a. allergicrhinitis b. atopicbronchialasthma c. atopicdermatitis* d. insectallergy 13. Theprincipleofallergenspecificimmunotherapyis: a. productionofallergen-specificblocking IgG4antibodies* b. blockingofmastcellIgEreceptors c. blockingextracellularhistamine d. inhibitionofphospholipase A2 14.Allergenspecificimmunotherapyforpollenallergicrhinitisshouldbeinitiatedthrough: a. thebeginningofthepollenseason b. outsidethepollenseason* c. attheendofthepollenseason d. hasnorelationtopollenseason 15. Allergenspecificimmunotherapyismostsuccessfulin: a. insectallergy* b. moderateandsevereallergicrhinitis c. severebronchialasthma 16. Beforestartinganallergenspecificimmunotherapypatientsshouldstoptaking: a. calciumantagonists b. tricyclicantidepressants c. betablockers* d. sartans 17. Themostsevereadversereactionwithallergenspecificimmunotherapyis: a. Guillen-Barresyndrome b. anaphylacticshock* c. localallergicreaction d. immunocomplexvasculitis 18. Which kind of patients with bronchial asthma are expected to have best effect from allergen-specific immunotherapy: a. a young patient with monoallergy to pollen* b. adult patient with concomitant diseases and monoallergy to house dust mites c. a young patient with polyallergy d. adult monoallergicpatient without concomitant diseases 19. Whichway for conductingallergenspecificimmunotherapyisnotusedat all: a. subcutaneous c. sublingual s. intravenous* 20. If a patientwithpollenallergicrhinitisorbronchialasthmareceivingallergen-specificimmunotherapydevelopsanaphylacticshock: a. allergenspecificimmunotherapyisdiscontinued* b. allergenspecificimmunotherapycontinuesundertheprotectionofcorticosteroids c. allergen-specificimmunotherapyisstoppedfor 30 daysandthencontinued 21. Whenadministering a subcutaneousallergen-specificimmunotherapyafterinjection, thepatient: a. shouldremainunderobservationfor 30 minutes* b. doesnotneedtoremainundersurveillance c. remainsunderobservationonlyifhehashadsideeffectswithpreviousinjections d. remainsunderobservationfor 2 hours 22. Which of the ways to conduct allergen specific immunotherapy is not used: a. subcutaneous c. sublingual s. intravenous* 23.When administering a subcutaneous allergen-specific immunotherapy after injection, the patient: a. should remain under observation for 30 minutes* b. does not need to remain under surveillance с. remains under observation only if he has had side effects with previous injections d. remains under observation for 2 hours 24. Allergen specific immunotherapy for bee / wasp venom should be initiated through: a. the beginning of the pollen season b. outside the pollen season* c. at the end of the pollen season d. has no relation to pollen season 25. In which disease does allergen specific immunotherapy not be applied: a. allergic rhinitis b. atopic bronchial asthma c. atopic dermatitis* d. insectallergy 26. Scarification (scratch) skin test shall be reported on: a. 20 min * b. 1 hour c. after 1 hour and 12 hours d. after 1 hour and 24 hours 27. Pricktests and intradermal tests with allergens shall be reported on: a. 20 min * b. 1 hour c. after 1 hour and 12 hours d. after 1 hour and 24 hours 28. The patch tests shall be reported after: a. 24 hours b.72 hours * c. 2 hours d. 5 days 29. Positive scarification(scratch) samples are those with a papule diameter above: a. 3 mm * b. 5 mm c. 7 mm 30. Positive Prick tests are those with a papule diameter above: a. 5 mm b. 3 mm * c. 7 mm 31. Positive intradermal tests are those with a papule diameter above: a. 3 mm b. 5 mm c. 7 mm * 32. Before performing skin tests - scarification, prick and intradermal patients should have stopped for 5-7 days’ therapy with: a. corticosteroids b. antihistamines * c. beta blockers d. non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs 33. Before performing the patch tests, patients should have stopped taking: a. corticosteroids * b. antihistamines c. beta blockers d. non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs 34. Withtheskintests - scarification, prickandintradermalwefind a reactionto: a. type 1 hypersensitivityreaction * b. type 2 hypersensitivityreaction c. hypersensitivityreactiontype 3 d. type 4 hypersensitivityreaction 35. Patch tests detect a hypersensitivity reaction: a. type 1 hypersensitivity reaction c. type 2 hypersensitivity reaction s. hypersensitivity reaction type 3 e. type 4 hypersensitivity reaction *