1. Bronchial asthma affects: a. lung parenchyma b. bronchi* c. bronchi and lung parenchyma 2. Atopic bronchial asthma is often preceded by: a. urticaria b. food allergy c. allergic rhinitis* d. contact allergic dermatitis 3. Which blood cells are essential for maintaining chronic inflammation in bronchial asthma: a. macrophages b. T-cytotoxic lymphocytes c. eosinophils* d. mast cells 4. Which of the following groups of drugs are not used in treating bronchial asthma: a. inhaled corticosteroids c. inhaled beta 2 agonists v. antihistamines* e. leukotriene antagonists 5. The bronchial hyperreactivity characteristic of patients with bronchial asthma is due to: a. bronchospasm provoked by non-specific irritants such as cold air, strong odors, etc.* b. bronchospasm provoked by minimal amounts of allergen c. disturbance of bronchial mucociliary clearance d. frequent bronchospasm at night 6. Bronchial hyperreactivity characteristic of patients with bronchial asthma is due to: a. besquamation of the bronchial epithelium caused by chronic eosinophilic inflammation* b. increased tone to n. vagus c. increased muscarinic receptor activity d. increased activity of H1 receptors 7. The bronchodilator test shall be performed: a. in patients with reduced spirometry and changes in physical lung status* b. in asymptomatic patients with normal spirometry and history of cough and shortness of breath c. for monitoring the conducted therapy d. to differentiate atopic from non-atopic bronchial asthma 8. The non-specific bronchial challenge test with methacholine is performed: a. in patients with reduced spirometry and changes in physical lung status b. in asymptomatic patients with normal spirometry and history of cough and shortness of breath* c. for monitoring the conducted therapy d. to differentiate atopic from non-atopic bronchial asthma 9. Obstructive type of spirometry is: a. FEV1, PEF and FVC are reduced, Tifno's index is normal b. FEV1, PEF and Tifno Index are reduced, FVC does not change* c. FEV1, PEF, FVC and the Tifno index have been reduced d. FEV1, PEF, FVC and Tifno index are between 80-90% 10. Which of the following groups of drugs affect the allergic inflammation ofpatients with bronchial asthma: a. beta 2 prolonged-release agonists b. inhaled corticosteroids* c. beta 2 short-acting agonists d. methylxanthine drugs (theophylline, novfillin) 11. Which group of drugs should not be used alone in the treatment of bronchial asthma: a. methylxanthine drugs (theophylline, novphylline) b. beta 2 agonists with prolonged action* c. leukotriene antagonists d. systemic corticosteroids 12. Bronchial asthma becomes chronic in: a. COPD* b. pulmonary fibrosis c. cystic fibrosis d. chronic bronchiolitis 13. Patients with bronchial asthma should not be treated with: a. calcium antagonists c. diuretics s. beta blockers* e. hydralazine 14. The peak expiratory flow(PEF) is: a. the maximum speed of the exhaled air* b. the maximum volume of exhaled air c. the volume of exhaled air for the first second of expiration d. 50% of the volume of exhaled air 15. TheclassificationofAllergicRhinitisaccordingto ARIA: a. light, medium-heavyandheavy b. acute, subacuteandchronic c. viral, bacterial, pollen, causedbyhouseholdallergens d. intermittent and persistent* 16. Allergicrhinitisofteniscombinedwith: a. chronicurticaria b. angioedemaintheeyelidarea c. atopicbronchialasthma* d. contactallergicdermatitis 17. The color and appearanceof patientsnasal mucosa suffering from allergic rhinitis with exacerbation of symptoms: a. pale, livid, edematous* b. erythema c. thereisnochangeincolor d. withoutchangeincolor, edematous 18.Allergenspecificimmunotherapywithhousedustmitesallergrnsinpatientswithallergicrhinitisshouldbestarted: a. inthefall b. inthespring c.inthesummer d. canstartinanyseason* 19. Nasaldecongestants: a. shouldnotbeusedinthetreatmentofallergicrhinitis b. canusedonlyintheperiodofexacerbation, for nomorethan 3-5 days* c. canbeusedfor a longtime 20. TheWilcoxtestispositiveat: a. allergicrhinitis b. bacterialrhinitis c.viralrhinitis d. inalltypesofrhinitis* 21. Inthenasalwashof a patientwithallergicrhinitisarefound: a. neutrophils b. eosinophils* c.mastcells d. segmentallymphocytes 22. Thepeakexpiratoryflow(PEF)is: a. maximumexhaledairvelocity * b. themaximumvolumeofexhaledair c. thevolumeofexhaledairforthefirstsecondofexpiration d. 50% ofthevolumeofexhaledair 23. FEV1 is: a. the volume of exhaled air for the first second in forced expiration * b. the maximum volume of exhaled air c. the maximum velocity of the exhaled air 24. FVC is: a. the maximum speed of exhaled air in forced expiration b. the maximum volume of exhaled air in forced expiration * c. the volume of exhaled air for the first second of expiration d. 50% of the volume of exhaled air 25. Tifno's index is: a. the ratio between FEV1 / FVC * b. FVC / FEV1 c. PEF / FVC d. PEF / FEV1 26. Obstructive type of spirometry is: a. FEV1, PEF and FVC are reduced, Tifno's index is normal. b. FEV1, PEF and Tifno Index are reduced, FVC does not change* c. FEV1, PEF, FVC and the Tifno index have been reduced d. FEV1, PEF, FVC and Tifno index are between 80-90% 27. The non-specific bronchial challenge test with methacholine is performed: a. in patients with reduced spirometry and changes in physical lung status b. in asymptomatic patients with normal spirometry and history of cough and shortness of breath* c. for monitoring the conducted therapy d. to differentiate atopic from non-atopic bronchial asthma 28. The bronchodilator test shall be performed: a. in patients with reduced spirometry and changes in physical lung status* b. in asymptomatic patients with normal spirometry and history of cough and shortness of breath c. for monitoring the conducted therapy d. to differentiate atopic from non-atopic bronchial asthma 29. Thebronchodilatortestispositivewith a resultabove: a. 10% b.15%* c.20% d. 8% 30. Thenon-specificbronchialchallengetestwithmethacholineispositivein: a. increaseoftheinitial FEV1 by 20% b. reductionoftheinitial FEV1 by 20%* c. increaseoftheinitial FEV1 by 10% d. reductionoftheinitial FEV1 by 40% 31. Before performing a bronchodilator test, the patient should stop treatment with: a. long-acting beta-2 agonists 12 hours before the test* b. beta-2 blockers c. antiarrhythmic drugs e. calcium antagonists 32. Basicallyforthediagnosisofallergicrhinitisis: a. medicalhistory b. physicalexamination c. skintestswithallergens* d. computertomographyofnasalcavities 33. The Wilcox test is positive at: a. allergic rhinitis b. bacterial rhinitis c. viral rhinitis d. in all types of rhinitis* 34. In the nasal wash of a patient with allergic rhinitis are found: a. neutrophils b. eosinophils* c. mast cells d. segmental lymphocytes 35. Rhinomanometry is: a. specific test for allergic rhinitis b. a specific test for infectious rhinitis c. test for each type of rhinitis* 36. When performing a nasal / conjunctival provocation test with allergens: a. the patient may have symptoms of allergic rhinitis / conjunctivitis b. the patient should be asymptomatic* c. the clinical condition is not relevant to the test