1. There is a question “Why did you choose to study Medicine” followed by answers:
Because it is highly-paid profession
Because it is humane profession
Because it is my child dream
What kind of question is this?
а) Semi-closed question
б) Open-ended question
в) Closed-response question*
2. Open-ended questions are suitable when the studied event is not well known.
а) False
б) True*
3. The question “Do you presently take beta-blokers?” is:
а) Double-barreled
б) Leading
в) At the wrong level of difficulty*
4. Which of the following types of observation is preferred in research involving human subjects:
а) Self-observation
б) Unaided observation
в) Both of the above*
5. Sociology studies distribution of diseases and their determinants among human population:
а) True
б) False*
6. Video recording of an interview can affect the honesty of the interviewee’s answers:
а) False
б) True*
7. A long-term observation provides less valid information about human behavior than a single-time observation:
а) False*
б) True
8. Face-to-face interview permits a full range of non-verbal behavior:
а) True*
б) False
9. The pilot study allows the investigator to:
а) Identify ambiguities, poor questions and other difficulties due to disadvantages of the questionnaire*
б) Collect all information needed for the particular study
в) Make a literature review on the topic
10. Which of the following is an advantage of unstructured over structured interview?
а) Detailed information on the theme under study can be obtained*
б) Necessity of better interviewer skills and experienc
в) An equal information may not be collected of all interviewees
11. All sociological methods require preparation of a questionnaire:
а) True*
б) False
12. Which of the following is a disadvantage of postal self-administered questionnaire:
а) The investigated subjects answer at their convenience
б) Many subjects can be covered for short investigation time
в) Response rate can drop below 50% *
13. Postal self-administered questionnaire always achieve more than 90% response rate:
а) False*
б) True
14. The pilot study is done among:
а) Sample of the target population for the specific study*
б) The whole target population for the specific study
в) Different population from the target population for the specific study
15. Forced choice response format doesn’t allow “undecided” responses:
а) False
б) True*
16. “Observer as participant” as type of observation belongs to the group of:
а) Participant observation
б) Non-participating observation*
17. Which of the following is a disadvantage of direct postal self-administered questionnaire?
а) High rejection rate
б) Doubt about the anonymity
в) Both of them*
18. The role “observer as participant” involves disclosure of observation to the people under study:
а) True*
б) False
19. Open-ended questions are easier to analyze and interpret than closed-response questions:
а) True
б) False*
20. Fieldwork is a term used for:
а) Non-participating observation
б) Participant observation*
21. Writing a questionnaire is an element of the stage of planning of the sociological study.
а) False
б) True*
22. Which of the following is an advantage of a self-administered questionnaire over an interview?
а) The behavior of the respondent can be observed
б) It is cheaper to administer*
в) Can elicit more detailed information
23. Self-observation is an appropriate research procedure to examine “time-budged” in management:
а) True*
б) False
24. Direct individual type of self-administered questionnaire is appropriate to assessment of personal knowledge:
а) True
б) False*
25. Of the variety of observer roles “participant as observer” is the most likely to create ethical problems.
а) True
б) False*
26. Which of the following is a disadvantage of unstructured interview?
а) Answers are recorded by the interviewee’s own words
б) Detailed information on the theme under study can be obtained
в) Equal information may not be collected of all interviewees*
27. There is a question “Are you satisfied with quality of health services in the hospital?” followed by answers:
Rather yes
Rather no
What kind of response scale was used?
а) Forced scale*
б) Likert scale
в) Alternative scale
28. Which of the following is a disadvantage of postal self-administered questionnaire?
а) The investigated subject answer at their convenience
б) All planned subjects can be included
в) Doubt about the anonymity*
29. In the role of the observer “participant as observer” the researcher does not disclose the fact of observation to the people under study:
а) False*
б) True
30. The role of the investigator combining internal and disclosed observation is:
а) Complete participant
б) Complete observe
в) Participant as observer*
31. An advantage of observation in laboratory settings is:
а) Distortion of the phenomena because of the artificial environment is possible
б) Extraneous events disrupting observation could be controlled/eliminated*
в) There is not a necessity of expensive equipment
32. Typical for the panel interview type are subsequent meetings with the interviewee for clarification of specific information.
а) True
б) False*
33. The most appropriate research procedure to characterize pain as a symptom is:
а) Outside observer
б) Self-observation*
34. The level of difficulty of questions in the questionnaire should be suitable for:
а) People with the medium education level in the studied group
б) People with the lowest education level in the studied group*
в) People with the highest level of education in the studied group
35. The role of the investigator combining external and disclosed observation is
а) Complete observer
б) Complete participant
в) Observer as participant*
36. A single-time observation provides less valid information about human behavior than a long-term observation:
а) False
б) True*
37. Which questions are more appropriate for investigation of new events?
а) Open-ended*
б) Closed response
38. A forced choice response format allows “undecided” responses:
а) True
б) False*
39. Direct group self – administered questionnaire arouse a doubt of anonymity:
а) True
б) False*
40. Which of the following is an advantage of structured over unstructured interview?
а) Provides biased information
б) Responses are recorded in the respondent’s own words
в) The same information is collected for all respondents*
41. Direct individual self-administered questionnaire (SAQ) gives opportunity of greater control of the investigator over the subjects under study then direct group SAQ:
а) False*
б) True
42. Which of the following is a participation type of observation:
а) Participant as observer*
б) Complete observer
в) Observer as participant
43. Identification questions should prefereably be placed at the beginning of the questionnaire.
а) False*
б) True
44. There is a question “Do you think that your General Practitioner is highly qualified?” followed by answers:
Rather yes
I can’t judge
Rather no
What kind of response scale was used?
а) Likert scale*
б) Alternative scale
в) Forced scale
45. Observational and interview data collection could be carried out simultaneously.
а) True*
б) False
46. Which of the following statements is true about complete observer type of observation?
а) It is the most likely to create ethical problems
б) The observer is not a member of the observed group*
в) The observer disclose his objective on the subjects under study
47. A disadvantage of direct group SAQ is that the subject could be influenced by other people’ opinion:
а) True
б) False*
48. The question “Do you prefer eating sweets or drinking coffee?” is:
а) At the wrong level of difficulty
б) Double-barreled*
в) Leading
49. The advantage of an interview over a self-administered questionnaire is that:
а) It is cheaper to administer
б) Can elicit more detailed information*
в) Can be administered by mail
50. A disadvantage of direct individual self-administered questionnaire is that the subject could be influenced by other people’ opinion:
а) False
б) True*
51. For managerial purposes (to understand the opinion of the team in short notice) most suitable is:
а) Personal interview
б) Collective interview*
52. A research method in which a researcher utilizes data collected by others is:
а) Experiment
б) Outsider observation
в) Document review*
53. There is a question “Why did you choose to study Medicine” followed by answers:
Because it is highly-paid profession
Because it is humane
Other reasons……
What kind of question is this?
а) Closed-response question
б) Semi-closed question*
в) Open-ended question
54. Which of the following is an advantage of an interview over a self-administered questionnaire?
а) Expensive to administer
б) Lower rejection rate*
в) The behavior of the respondent cannot be observed
55. Which of the following is an advantage of direct individual self-administered questionnaire?
а) It is convenient for testing of knowledge
б) Provides opportunity to observe behavior of subjects
в) The investigated subject can answer at their convenience*
56. Human behavior is best studied in laboratory settings
а) False*
б) True
57. Identification questions are best positioned at:
а) The middle of the questionnaire
б) The beginning of the questionnaire
в) The end of the questionnaire*
58. Which of the following is an advantage of an interview over self-administered questionnaire:
а) Can elicit more information in short time (it is time saving)
б) It is cheaper to administer
в) Can elicit more detailed information*
59. Human behavior is best studied:
а) In natural settings*
б) It does not matter
в) In laboratory settings
60. Which of the following is an advantage of face-to-face interview over telephone interview?
а) Resource consuming
б) The behavior of the respondent can be observed*
в) Too confronting
61. Which of the following types of observation provides better ecological validity:
а) Unstructured observation
б) Observation in laboratory settings
в) Observation in natural settings*
62. Preparation of questionnaire is an element of:
а) The stage of data-analysis
б) The stage of planning of the study*
в) The stage of collecting data
63. Best anonymity is guaranteed in direct group self – administered questionnaire:
а) False
б) True*
64. Questionnaire is a measuring instrument which can be used across a variety of research strategies:
а) True*
б) False
65. Which of the following is true for the closed response questions?
а) They elicit more detailed information about the theme under study
б) They are easier to analyze and interpret than open-ended questions*
в) They take grater time to collect the information than open-ended questions
66. Sociology studies:
а) Distribution of diseases and their determinants among human population
б) Population size and structure at a given point of time
в) Structure, functioning and development of society as a system*
67. The change in the subject’s behavior caused by the awareness of being studies is called:
а) Ecological fallacy
б) Confounding
в) Hawthorne effect*
68. Observational study using “pseudo-patients” in hospitals employs investigators in a role of:
а) Participant as observer
б) Complete participant*
в) Complete observer
69. Which of the following research approaches is subjected to the highest rejection rate?
а) Direct individual self-administered questionnaire
б) Direct group self-administered questionnaire
в) Direct postal self-administered questionnaire*
70. Document review is a method of sociology?
а) True*
б) False
71. In the direct individual type of self-administered questionnaire, the researcher is present while the person fills-in the questionnaire:
а) True
б) False*
72. Questions that suggest social desirability are:
a) Ambiguous questions
b) Loaded questions*
c) Complex questions
73. The question: “Do you smoke?” with answers Yes/No is an example of:
a) Screening question*
b) Identification question
c) Double-barreled question
74. The type of self-administered questionnaire (SAQ) which is filled-in by the researcher after collecting data from the subject and their circle through application of different methods is called:
a) Postal SAQ
b) Direct individual SAQ
c) Indirect SAQ*
75. Fieldwork is:
a) best known method of social science research
b) example of qualitative research
c) both of the above*
76. Sociological research methods are:
a) qualitative research methods*
b) quantitative research methods
c) none of the above
77. Why is choosing a random sample an effective way to select participants in sociological reserach?
a) It is larger than an ordinary sample
b) Everyone has the same chance of being part of the study*
c) The researcher has no control who is in the study
78. Which materials are considered secondary data?
a) Books and articles written by other authors about their studies*
b) Responses from participants whom you interviewed
c) None of the above
79. Archival research is secondary analysis:
a) True*
b) False
80. In 1972 David Rosenhan used "pseudo patients," who briefly simulated auditory hallucinations to gain admission to 12 different psychiatric hospitals in five different states in various locations in the United States. The staff in the hospitals did not know about the experiment. The study aimed to investigate the validity of psychiatric diagnoses. The applied method was an example of:
a) Observation of the type “complete participant” *
b) Observation of the type “complete observer”
c) Self-observation
81. What do Lab experiments allow researchers to do?
a) study people in their natural settings
b) understand the real world
c) control variables*
82. Which interview type has pre-set questions which allow for elaboration and probing?
a) Structured interview
b) Unstructured interview*
83. What is a hypothesis?
a) a question to uncover through your research
b) a statement you will prove through your research*
c) none of the above
84. Sociological research methods include all of the following, except:
a) Surveys
b) Therapy*
c) Experiments
d) Observations
85. A research method in which subjects respond in writing to a series of questions:
a) Experiment
b) Survey*
c) Observation
86. Sociological research methods in medicine are:
a) Ways to gather information to answer questions about the role of social factors in the health of individuals *
b) Ways to convince people to participate in a medical study.
c) Ways to manipulate people to accept certain medicine.
87. Joe Foss studied gender differences in attitudes toward mathematics and science among 45 first grade students. Over the next twelve years he studied the same 45 children when they were in the fifth, eighth and twelfth grades. What type of research this is?
a) Case study research
b) Panel study research*
c) Cross-sectional research
88. If a researcher tells potential subjects or respondents that their responses can be connected to their identities but that the research team promises not to disclose that information publically, what has the researcher promised to the subjects?
a) Informed Consent
b) Anonymity
c) Confidentiality*
89. A sociologist is interested in understanding the lives of homeless people in the US. In order to develop a deep understanding of this population and to see the world from the homeless’ perspective, he lived on the street with the homeless in Austin, Texas for a full year. While there he talked with homeless individuals about their lives on the street, how they came to be there, and what they did before they were homeless. He then took this information and began to generate a theory about how the homeless become homeless and how they manage to survive without stable income or shelter. Which general data collection method did this researcher use?
a) An Experiment
b) A Survey
c) Field Research*
d) Secondary Data
90. A criminologist is interested in victimization rates. He knows that most crimes are under-reported so he sends out a questionnaire with questions concerning whether or not the respondent had been a victim of specific crimes over the last 30 days. Using the data he collected from his sample with the questionnaire, he wants to make generalizations about the whole population’s victimization rates. Which general data collection method is this researcher using?
a) An Experiment
b) A Survey*
c) Field Research
d) Secondary Data
91. What is wrong with the following question? “Please indicate how often you engaged in sexual intercourse last week.
Not at all
Three or more times”
a) It is double-barreled.
b) It is embarrasing.*
c) Nothing is wrong with the question.
92. What is wrong with the following question? “How many tubes of toothpaste have you purchased in the last 3 years?”
a) It is burdensome.*
b) It is double-barreled.
c) Nothing is wrong with the question.
93. What is wrong with the following question? “How often do you swim?”
a) Nothing is wrong with the question.
b) It is double-barreled.
c) It is ambigious. *
94. A research method in which subjects respond orally to a series of questions asked also orally:
a) Interview*
b) Secondary analysis
c) Observation
95. Standardizing the interview schedule can reduce interviewer variation in terms of:
a) The way in which questions are phrased by the interviewer
b) The order in which questions are asked
c) The procedures used to code and analyse survey data
d) All of the above*
96. Which of the following is not a disadvantage of telephone interviewing?
a) Researchers do not have to spend so much time and money on travelling*
b) It can be difficult to build rapport over the telephone
c) Interviewers cannot use visual cues such as show cards
97. Which of the following might you include in an introductory letter to respondents?
a) An explanation of who you are and who is funding your research
b) An overview of what the research is about and how the data will be collected
c) A statement of their ethical rights to anonymity, confidentiality, etc.
d) All of the above*
98. Which of the following is not advised when planning the question order of a structured interview?
a) Group the questions into logically organized sections
b) Expect some variation in the order in which questions are asked*
c) Leave questions about sensitive or embarrassing issues until later in the interview
99. Which of the following steps can be taken to improve response rates to postal questionnaires?
a) Write a personalized covering letter to introduce the research
b) Enclose a stamped addressed envelope with a postal questionnaire
c) Send out polite reminder letters
d) All of the above*
100. One of the criticisms of structured observation is that:
a) It does not allow us to impose any framework on the social setting
b) It does not allow us to understand the intentions behind behaviour*
c) It is unethical to observe people without an observation schedule
101. You should avoid using double-barrelled questions in a survey because:
a) They rely too much on a respondent's memory
b) They make the questions too long, so respondents lose interest
c) They are too abstract and general in scope
d) They confuse respondents by asking about two different things*