Entry exam

Entry exam will be held online.

Date for online entry exam


Technical requirements

It is necessary the applicants to register for exams on those e-mails: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.,  not later than one week prior the exam date and will need:

  1. Computer/laptop;
  2. Camera;
  3. Microphone;
  4. Headphones;
  5. Network connection with parameters not less than 20 Mbps speed of download and 20 Mbps speed of upload. (The applicants can check the speed of their networks at Internet Speed Test/fast.com)
  6. Recommended browsers for access to the distant exams platform of MU – Pleven: last versions of Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox

After successful registration in the Registration system the applicant will receive on e-mail more details such as: username, password and further login instructions.

Guidelines to the entrance exam in Biology 


Sample test