Specialty: Radiology Technician

General Information

Radiology Technician

The Radiology Technician field of study was established in 1998.

In 2016, it received accreditation with an assessment score of 8.78 for 5 years - until 2021. The curriculum includes general medical, social and targeted subjects. A training course in informatics is also included. University Hospital, Pleven is used as primary training facility.

Radiology technicians have the knowledge and the skill-set necessary to enable them to conduct professional, highly-qualified activities independently or with the cooperation of a certified physician. They are trained into the execution of important tasks in the various branches of X-ray imaging; nuclear medicine; radiation therapy and other fields of application of ionizing and non-ionizing radiation in medicine.

In the course of study, radiology technicians acquires skills and habits for radiation protection of patients and personnel, for adequate reaction in case of intolerance towards contrast matters, skills for teamwork and communication with the patient and their relatives and friends.

In order to work in more narrowly-specialized areas, radiology technicians receive additional postgraduate qualifications.

Due to the specifics of the field of study, all students pass a compulsory preliminary and periodical (annual) medical examination (pursuant to Regulation № 29 of 16.09.2005 for Health Norms and Requirements in the Case of Work in a Medium of Ionized Radiation), as well as compulsory dosimetric control (pursuant to Regulation № 32 of November 7, 2005 for Conditions and Procedure for Carrying Out of Individual Dosimetric Control of Persons Working with Sources of Ionizing Emissions). This guarantees control of the health of students in the specialty.

Radiology technicians can continue their education in undergraduate and graduate programs in Health Care Management.