Specialty: Medical Laboratory Technician

General Information

Medical Laboratory Technician

The Medical Laboratory Technician field of study was first established in 1974.

In 2016, it received accreditation for 5 years - until 2021 - with an assessment score of 8.95.

Laboratory technicians acquire all necessary knowledge, skills, and competence to guarantee successful professional practice in all diagnostic laboratories, part of the Bulgarian healthcare system. The curriculum includes social, medical and general-profile courses that provide a broad-based training of students in health care and laboratory diagnostic skills, teamwork and communication skills. Clinical training takes place in modern facilities, which have received positive accreditation. University Hospital, Pleven is used as primary training facility.

After graduation, laboratory technicians can look forward to a career in diagnostic laboratories in Microbiology, Virology, Serology, Cytochemistry, Histology, Parasitology, Immunology, Clinical Laboratory, Medical Genetics, various research laboratories, etc.

Laboratory technicians can continue their education in undergraduate and graduate programs in Health Care Management.

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Медицински университет - Плевен