- Current News
- Medical University in Pleven Unveils Renovated Courtyard, New Summer Theatre
- EIT Health i-Day 2024 - Pleven
- Notice of amendment in the Regulations for the organization of the educational process of MU-Pleven
- Call for Applications for Student Mobility for Study 2024/2025 "Erasmus +" program
- "50 Years of Medical Education and Science in Pleven" Jubilee Scientific Conference with International Participation
- National Competition "Best Youth Startup in Bulgaria 2024"
- Official visit of an academic delegation from Chongqing Medical University, Chongqing, China, to Medical University – Pleven on November 10, 2023
- XI International Medical and Pharmaceutical Congress for Students and Young Scientists 2024
- Vote for the outstanding lecturer 2023
- Call for Applications for Student Mobility for Traineeships 2023/2024 "Erasmus +" program
- Lecture: Facial Topography in the Context of Surgical Practice
- Erasmus+ for studies 2023/2024
- Information day "Erasmus+" program: Campaign 2023/2024
- The Leadership of Medical University – Pleven and the management team of the project BG-RRP-2.004-0003-C01 is addressing an invitation for attracting international scientists ...
- Call for Applications for Student Mobility for Traineeships "Erasmus +" program 2022/2023
- XIX International Medical Scientific Conference for Students and Young Doctors (MDSC), September 26-30, 2022, MU-Pleven
- Lecture module on Global Health
- European Week in Bulgaria 5-17 May 2022: The digital face of the Erasmus + program: EduGain
- Erasmus+ Info Day 30 March 2022 at Medical University – Pleven
- Call for Applications for Student Mobility for summer Traineeships 2021/2022 "Erasmus +" program
- XVIII International Medical Scientific Conference for Students and Young Doctors (MDSC)
- Information and recommendations for prevention of coronovirus infection caused by COVID-19
- Accommodation for International Students (updated)
- Forthcoming Events
- The Leadership of Medical University – Pleven and the management team of the project BG-RRP-2.004-0003-C01 is addressing an invitation for attracting international scientists ...
- 1st Surface Engineering for Biomedical Applications Workshop
- Jubilee scientific conference with international participation „NEW APPROACHES IN PUBLIC HEALTH AND HEALTH POLICY"
- Information
- Regulations
- Bank Information
- Links
- Location
- The City of Pleven
- Gallery
- Governing body
- Library
- Publishing Center and Printing Base
- International Students Center
- Career Development Center
- Electronic and Distance Learning
- Information Services Center
- Postgraduate Learning Center
- Educational Activity Department
- Financial Department
- Economic Directorate
- Human Resources Department
- Public Relations
- Dean's office
- Student's Office
- Department of Anatomy, Histology, Cytology and Biology
- Department of Anatomy, Histology and Cytology
- Stefan Trifonov MD, PhD
- Prof. Emilian Aleksiev Ivanov, MD
- Desislava Marinova, MD
- Michail Iliev, MD
- Stilyanka Yochkova, MD
- Rumyana Dotsova, MD
- Tihomir Rashev
- Miroslav Dobrev, MD
- Iren Vasileva Bogeva-Tsolova, MD
- Division of Biology
- Prof. Milena Atanasova, PhD.
- Prof. Daniela Petrova Georgieva-Klisarova, PhD
- Assoc. prof. Roumen Roussev, MD PhD
- Lidia Petrova
- Alexander Blajev
- Petya Dragomirova
- Kalina Stefcheva Ilieva
- Vladislav Milkov Nankov
- Viktoriya Valentinova Todorova
- Department of Physiology аnd Pathological Physiology
- Dr. Armine Vardani Grigoryan, MD, PhD
- Information
- Pathophysiology Division
- Prof. Dr. Aneliya Dimitrova , MD, PhD
- Dr Emiliya Tsvetanova Tsakova-Lakova, MD, PhD
- Prof. Dr. Adriana Ivanova Bocheva, MD, PhD
- D-r Borislav Ivanov Ignatov, MD
- Dr. Ademira Miroslavova Borisova
- Assoc. Prof. Krasimir Kostov, MD, PhD
- Physiology Division
- Assoc. Prof. Boryana Ruseva, MD, PhD
- D-r Nikolai Valchev Kolev
- D-r Lyudmila Ivanova Halacheva
- D-r Ivelina Ivanova Himcheva
- D-r Tsvetelina Petkova – Marinova, MD
- D-r Tatyana Nedkova Simeonova, MD
- D-r Nelly Stefanova Doseva, MD
- D-r Krassimir Boyanov
- D-r Milenka Borislavova BARAKOVA
- Department of Dermatology, Venereology and Allergology
- Department of Patholoanatomy
- Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery
- Department of Radiology and Physiotherapy
- General Information:
- Prof. Nachko Iliev Totsev, MD
- Radiology division
- Dr. Vasil Stoychev Panchev
- Dr.Tihomir Andreev Ventsislavov
- Dr. Lyubomir Ilkov Tsankov
- Dr. Polya Ljubomirova Krasteva
- Dr. Tsonyo Ivanov Tsonev
- Dr. Daniel Spasov Stoilchev
- Dr. Nela Tsetsova Stefanovska
- Nuclear Medicine and Metabolic Radiotherapy division
- Academic Staff
- Research Work
- Textbooks published by the academic staff of the department:
- Department of Surgical Propaedeutics
- Department of Propaedeutics of Internal Diseases
- Department of Surgical Diseases
- Department of Cardiology, Pulmonology and Endocrinology
- Information
- Endocrinology Division
- Assoc. Prof. d-r Katya Nikolova Todorova, PhD
- D-r Ginka Hristova Rayanova
- D-r Veselin Spasov Kokareshkov
- D-r Beatriche Stoyanova Pancheva
- D-r Nadya Danailova Docheva
- D-r Radina Nedelcheva Atanasova
- D-r Silvia Simeonova Ganeva - Todorova
- D-r Tsvetomira Minkova Tsvyatkovska
- Department of Nephrology, Haematology and Gastroenterology
- Assoc. prof. Ivanka Pencheva Marinova, m.d.
- Dr Desislava Lubomirova Pavlova
- General Information:
- Dr Miroslava Ivanova Mihailova -Strashilova
- Dr Zaharinka Gancheva Sabeva
- Dr Diliana Stefanova Petrova
- Division of Hematology
- Assoc. prof. Nikolay Tsvetanov Tsvetkov, MD Ph.D
- Vanya Slavcheva Popova MD Ph.D
- Doroteya Kostadinova Todorieva-Todorova MD
- LachezarHristovBogdanov MD
- Ivaylo Georgiev Hristov MD
- Department of Anaesthesiology and Resuscitation
- Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
- Department of Children's Diseases
- Department of Otolaryngology
- Department of Urology
- Nuclear Medicine Center
- Dean’s Office
- Assos. prof. Hristina Lebanova, MPharm, PhD
- Assoc. prof. Maya Jotova, PhD
- Assoc. prof. Nadia Veleva, PhD
- General Information
- Mission
- Educational Goals
- Educational Priorities
- Management
- Structure of the Faculty of Phamacy
- Training Facilities:
- Available Equipment in the Chemistry Laboratories (Organic Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Physical Chemistry and Analytical Chemistry):
- Available Equipment in The Pharmacognosy Laboratories:
- Available Equipment in the Pharmaceutical Technology Laboratories:
- Available Equipment in the Biopharmaceutical Control Laboratory:
- Foundation and Development
- Contact Details
- Student’s Office
- Department of Microbiology and Virology
- Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology
- Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
- Assoc. Prof. Petar Ivanov, MD, PhD
- Information
- Chemistry Section
- Prof. Angelina Milcheva Stoyanova, PhD
- Assoc. Prof. Galia Dimitrova Gentscheva-Nisheva, PhD
- Assoc. Prof. Radka Tomova Georgieva-Nikolova, PhD
- Chief Assist. Professor Tatyana Varbanova Peshkova, PhD
- Assist. Prof. Svetla Petrova Asenova
- Assist. Prof. Nina Kirilova Ivanova, PhD
- Assist. Prof. Polina Anatolieva Gradinarova
- Ina Miroslavova Yotkovska
- Teodora Georgieva Aleksandrova-Pasheva
- Aleksandar Svilenov Pashev
- Assist. Prof. Albena Krasimirova Tancheva
- Biochemistry Section
- Professor Regina Komsa-Penkova
- Milka Mihaylova
- Georgi Golemanov
- Assist. Prof. Alexandra Todorova Miteva
- Borislav Cvetanov Dimitrov
- Galya Georgieva MD
- Assist. Prof. Svetoslava Stoycheva
- Department of Medical Physics, Biophysics, Pre-clinical and Clinical Sciences
- Assoc. Prof. Asparuh Nikolov MD
- Sector Physics and Biophysics
- Information
- Prof. dr. Margarita Lubomirova Alexandrova, PhD, DSc
- Prof. Konstantin Todorov Balashev, PhD, DSc.
- Prof. Dr Kosto Valov Mitov, PhD, DSc
- Iliana Nikolaeva Damyanova
- Filip Petranov Marinov
- Victoria Rumenova Varbanova
- Sector Mathematics and Preclinical Sciences
- Assoc. prof. Silviya Tzvetkova, PhD
- Assoc. Prof. Pavlina Laleva, MD, PhD
- Assistant Professor Dora Trifonova, PhD
- Academic Disciplines
- Textbooks and Handbooks Published by the Academic Staff
- Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Social Pharmacy
- Assoc. prof. Nadia Veleva, PhD
- General information about the Department
- Pharmaceutical Technology
- Assoc. Prof. Stefka Titeva PhD
- Assoc. Prof. Krum Kafedjiiski, PhD
- Assist. Prof. Viktorio Veselinov Mihaylov
- Mihaela Tihomirova Tosheva
- Elif Ismailova Haliibryamova
- Assis. Prof. Viktor Petrov
- Social Pharmacy
- Prof. Petkana Hristova, PhD, DSc
- Assos. prof. Hristina Lebanova, MPharm, PhD
- Assist. prof. Svetoslav Stoev, PharmD, PhD
- Assist. Prof. Simona Belcheva
- Subjects and facilities
- Department of Medical Genetics
- Dean's office
- Department of Infectious diseases, epidemiology, parasitology and tropical medicine
- Contacts
- General Information
- Prof. Milena Karcheva MD, PhD
- Division “Epidemiology, Parasitology and Tropical Medicine”
- Assoc. Prof. Tanya Petkova Ivanova MD, PhD
- Assoc. prof. Ivelin Angelov Angelov MD, PhD
- Chief Assistant Professor Kalina Dimitrova Terzieva MD, PhD
- Assistant Professor Ludmil Stefanov Stoyanov MD
- Assistant Professor Martin Plamenov Lalev MD
- Division “Infectious Diseases”
- Prof. Galya Ivanova Gancheva, MD, PhD
- Assistant Professor Ivaylo Nikolaev Pakov MD
- Assistant Professor Ivanka Petkova Ivanova MD
- Subjects in the Bachelor's and Master's Degree Programmes - Faculty of Health Care
- Subjects in the Bachelor's and Master's Degree Programmes - Other Faculties at MU-Pleven
- Scientific Focus
- Published Textbooks
- Department of General medicine, forensic medicine and deontology
- Section “General Medicine”
- Assoc. Prof. Tsvetelina Valentinova, MD, PhD
- Dr. Vania Nedkova, MD
- Dr. Elka Tumbeva
- Dr. Galya Naydenova Atanasova, MD, PhD
- Dr. Lubomira Gadjelova
- Anelia Panova
- Disciplines lectured by the Department staff to medical students
- Аssist. prof. Sergey Deyanov Kostadinov, MD, PhD
- Dr Yanko Georgiev Kolev, MD, PhD
- Disciplines lectured by the Department staff to students from Faculty of Health Care
- Disciplines lectured by the Department staff to students from Faculty of Public Health
- Main research themes at the Department
- Published textbooks
- Equipment and facilities
- History
- Department of Psychiatry and medical psychology
- History
- Assoc. prof. d-r Maya YordanovaStoimenova - Popova, MD, PhD
- Assoc. prof. Kaloyan Rumenov Stojchev, MD, PhD
- Petranka Georgieva Chumpalova, MD, PhD
- Ivanka Ilieva Veleva, MD
- Lyudmil Zdravkov Tumbev, MD
- Aleksandar Angelov Todorov, MD
- Emiliya Mitkova Dimitrova, MD
- Elisaveta Vladimirova Krasteva, MD
- Gizem Dogancali-Yancheva, MD
- Academic disciplines included in bachelor and master programs of “Public health” Faculty
- Academic disciplines included in bachelor and master programs of “Medicine” Faculty
- Disciplines included in the academic program of Pleven University Medical College
- Disciplines included in the academic program of “Healthcare” Faculty
- Main areas of scientific research of the department of “Psychiatry and Medical Psychology”
- List of textbooks and monographs published by the department staff (single author works or in a co-authorship)
- Department of "Social Medicine and Health Management"
- Professor Mariela Stefanova Kamburova, MD, PhD, DSc, MHM
- General Information about the Department
- Division "Social Medicine and Medical Statistics"
- Professor Stela Georgieva, MD, PhD
- Assoc. prof. Dima Krumova Tsanova, MD, PhD
- Chief asst. prof.Eleonora Nikolaeva Mineva-Dimitrova
- Asst. prof. Dimitar Petrov Dimitrov MD
- Assis. prof. Radoslava Tihomirova Georgieva MD
- Division "Health Management and Law"
- Prof. Tzvetan Georgiev Sivkov, DCs
- Аssoc. prof. Zdravka Veskova Radionova, MD, PhD
- Assoc. Prof. Penka Stefanova Kostadinova, MD, PhD
- Tihomir Nikolaev Nikolov PhD
- Chief Assis. prof. Ana Borisova Ivanova
- Assis. prof. Borislava Pavlinova Ivanova
- Department of "Health care management, Medical ethics and Information technologies
- Prof. Dr. Silviya Aleksandrova-Yankulovska, MD, PhD, DSc, MAS
- Information About the Department
- Division “Medical Ethics”
- Prof. Dr. Silviya Aleksandrova-Yankulovska, MD, PhD, DSc, MAS
- Atanas Anov
- Division “Management of health care”
- Prof. Makreta Todorova Draganova, PhD
- Assoc. Assist. Prof. Milena Saleva, PhD
- Division “Information technologies and biostatistics”
- Assoc. prof. Georgi Tzanev Ivanov, PhD
- Dr. Kiril Nikolaev Statev, MD, PhD
- Eng. Asen Simeonov Seizov
- Subjects taught by the Departments staff in the baccalaureate and master degree programmes
- Disciplines taught by the academic staff of the department in other structural units of MU-Pleven
- Main directions of the research work
- Issued textbooks and teaching aids by the academic staff of the department
- Department of Physical Medicine, Rehabilitation, Ergotherapy and Sport
- Assoc. Prof. Nina Ivanova Borisova-Mihaylova, PhD
- Sector "Physical Medicine, Rehabilitation, Ergotherapy"
- Information about the department
- Prof. Nikolay Emilov Popov, D.Sc.
- Assoc. Prof. Dr. Maya Stefanova Krastanova, PhD
- Assoc. Prof. Danelina Emilova Vacheva, PhD
- Assoc. Prof. Tanya Nikolaeva Megova, PhD
- Head Assist. Prof. Rostislav Valentionov Kostov, PhD
- Dr. Anitsa Hristova Mircheva
- Assist. Prof. Dr. Polina Dimitrova Cvetkova
- Assist. Prof. Lyubomira Evgenieva Toteva
- Sector "Sport"
- Assoc.Prof. Iskra Stefanova Ilieva, PhD
- Assoc. Prof. Ilian Yordanov Ilchev, PhD
- Christo Valentinov Genov
- Petur Donchev Popov
- Krasimir Borisov Petkov
- Kaloyan Stoyanov Monov
- Teacher Svetoslav Boyanov Rachkov
- Assist.Prof. Milena Kirnikolova
- Classes and Disciplines Taught by the Academic Staff at the Department:
- Research Work and Aims of the Department of Physical Medicine, Rehabilitation, Ergotherapy and Sport:
- Textbooks and Study Materials, Written and Used by the Academic Staff at the Department:
- Equipment and Material Base of the Department:
- Department of Hygiene, medical ecology , occupational diseases and disaster medicine
- The Department of Hygiene, Medical Ecology, Professional Diseases and Disaster Medicine
- Assoc. Professor dr. Vanya Atanasova Birdanova, MD, PhD
- Division of Hygiene, Medical Ecology and Professional Diseases
- Assoc. Prof. Dr. Violeta Yordanova Dancheva , MD, PhD
- Division of Disaster Medicine
- Assoc. Professor Mariyana Stoynovska, MD, PhD
- Assoc. Professor Dr. Irena Yordanova Stoilova, MD, PhD
- Ch. Assistant Profesor Dr. Tsvetelina Georgieva Vitkova PhD
- Ch. Assistant Professor Emilia Krasimirova Bankova, PhD
- Ch. Assistant Professor Rositsa Vasileva Petrova, PhD
- Suzana Tunchayeva Nikolova
- Assistant Dr. Ivelina Ruseva Drambozova PhD
- Dr. Lyudmil Boyanov Ivanov, MD
- Assistant Dr Nikolai Kirilov Statev, MD
- The basic fields of research activity are
- The Graduate Students Club
- Scientific events
- Students' Office
- General Information
- Student Office
- Department of Surgical Nursing
- Department of Therapeutic Care
- Department of Midwifery
- General Information
- Contacts
- Prof. Dr. Nadegda Hinkova, MD, PhD
- Assoc.Prof. Dr. Chavdar Atanasov Tsvetkov, MD, PhD
- Assoc. prof. Angel Jordanov
- Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dobrinka Hristova Gincheva, MD, PhD
- Chief ass. prof. Petya Dilova, PhD
- Chief ass. prof. Elitsa Soyanova, PhD
- Natashka Borislavova Andreeva
- As.Asya Toncheva
- Vania Todorova
- Kamelia Ilieva
- Dr. Sanja Ljubenov
- Kapka Atanasova
- Tonka Popova
- Vania Zaharieva
- Discipline and Field Focus:
- Scientific Focus:
- Disciplines taught by the academic staff in the Bachelor program, Faculty of Health Care
- Disciplines taught by department’s academic staff in other main units of the Medical University - Pleven
- Main research courses of Midwifery Care Department
- Department facility and equipment
- Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology
- Department of Clinical Immunology, Allergology and Clinical Laboratory
- General Information - MC
- Student Office - MC
- Specialty: Medical Laboratory Technician
- Specialty: Social Activities
- Specialty: Radiology Technician
- Specialty: Assistant Pharmacist
- Specialty: Medical Cosmetics
- Medicine
- Contacts - MC
- General Information
- Latin Language Sector
- Bulgarian Language Sector
- Valentina Parashkevova Kirilova – Mangelova
- Liliya Krasimirova Vlahova
- Stefka Ivanova Kostova
- Adoreya Mladenova Beneva - Parvanova
- Asya Parashkevova Staneva
- Steliyan Plamenov Penkov
- Rumiana Yaneva
- Eva Veselinova Marinova
- Marta Dimitrova Meshinska
- Penka Petrova Dimova
- Luiza Paskaleva Pilicheva
- Bulgarian Language Sector
- Foreign Languages Sector
- Natural Sciences Sector
- Administrative staff
- Research Institute
- Specialty Medicine
- Specialty Nursing
- Specialty "Medicine"
- Rules and Regulations
- Students Support Center
- General Information
- Specialization Courses
- Accreditation
- Addresses, Telephone numbers, E-mails
- Our Address:
- Rector
- Vice-Rector of Education
- Vice-Rector of Science and Research, Quality and Accreditation
- Vice-Rector of European Integration and International Cooperation
- Vice-Rector of University and Hospital Coordination
- International Students Center
- Faculty of Medicine
- Student's Office – Faculty of Medicine
- Faculty of Public Health
- Student's Office – Faculty of Public Health
- Faculty of Health Care
- Student's Office – Faculty of Health Care
- Medical College - Pleven
- International Relations Office
- Economic Department
- IT Department
- Request
- Information System
- Video
- Issue Academia Medica
- Center of Competence
- Uncategorised
- General Information
- Erasmus+
- Erasmus + sector
- Nikolina Angelova
- Engr. Hristo Marinov
- Call for Applications for Student Mobility for Study 2025/2026 "Erasmus +" program
- Bilateral inter-institutional erasmus+ agreements
- How to Apply
- Erasmus+ Documents
- Policy statement 2021/2027
- Call for Applications for Student Mobility for Traineeships 2024/2025 "Erasmus +" program
- International and Internal Cooperation
- Project Activity
- International Agreements
- Jubilee Scientific Conference With International Participation "50 Years of medical education and science in Pleven"