
Department of Language and Specialized Training (DLST)

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Department of Language and Specialized Training is an administrative unit of Medical University – Pleven.


Establishment and Development

The Department of Language and Specialized Training (DLST) was established in accordance with Article 26-a, Section 1 of the Law of Higher Education and a Resolution of the General Assembly of Medical University-Pleven, protocol No.16/25.09.2006. DLST was structured on the basis of the former Department of Foreign Languages and was expanded with additional staff members, specialized in teaching medical biology, chemistry and physics.

DLST staff is engaged in the following activities:

  • Teaching medical Latin, English, German and French to medical students, students of Nursing and Midwifery, students in the fields of Medical rehabilitation and Occupational therapy, Laboratory technicians, Radiographers and social workers;
  • Teaching Bulgarian language to students of ethnic Bulgarian origin and international students for the purposes of training at the Faculty of Medicine;
  • Teaching English, German, French and Bulgarian for special purposes, and specialized training in biology, physics and chemistry in English and Bulgarian in preparatory courses for the purposes and needs of training at the Faculty of Medicine;
  • Specialized courses for undergraduate and postgraduate students, resident doctors and and physicians in order to facilitate participation in student mobility programs and research projects.


The main objective of DLST is to expand foreign-language proficiency of students and enable them to participate in discussions on medical topics, use special terminology and take part in international scientific exchange. The training courses in foreign languages are separated in two different modes of instruction: compulsory and elective. The main objective of the specialized training in the preparatory courses is learning basic terminology in Biology, Chemistry and Physics. The training is conducted in Bulgarian or English, in compliance with the respective disciplines, part of the first year curriculum at MU-Pleven, Medicine field of study.