
The library at MU-Pleven is the only one of its size in North-West and Central Bulgaria, specializing in medical literature. It was established in 1974 with the main purpose of facilitating the educational, scientific and diagnostic needs of the University and the University Hospital. The library is divided into several sectors: borrowing section with free access; reading room for lecturers with Internet access; reading room for students; reading room for self-study with audio and video materials; internet hall; depository and offices. The library aims to meet the needs of the undergraduate and postgraduate students, PhD students and the lecturers at Medical University-Pleven, as well as all medical specialists in the city of Pleven and the region as a whole.

The supply process of books and magazines for the library is realized through purchases, subscriptions, donations and book exchange. At the moment of writing, the library at MU-Pleven has at its disposal more than 74 000 volumes of medical literature, textbooks, magazines, CDs and video films. The library also has 20(twenty) subscription to western magazines, 2(two) subscriptions to medical databases on-line and more than 50(fifty) subscriptions to Bulgarian medical magazines.

Since 1995 a network program has been installed at the library for the purpose of automatizing the library processes with four working modules: cataloguing, periodicals, borrowing service and search module. An electronic catalogue was developed, installed and currently includes all the books that have been made available at the library since 1995. A database is also maintained with all the magazines that have been received since 1974. The library’s readers have enough computers to work individually, use the internet and the databases. The library is also equipped with printers, scanners, recording devices, photocopiers, etc.