Research Work and Aims of the Department of Physical Medicine, Rehabilitation, Ergotherapy and Sport:

  • Development and validation of current therapeutic approaches to the treatment of musculoskeletal and neuro-muscular dysfunctions in the rehabilitation of socially significant diseases.
  • Updating and implementation in clinical practice the modern approaches for functional diagnostics, rehabilitation and prophylaxis of pathological and preclinical conditions of the muscle-skeletal system, central and peripheral nervous system.
  • Highly specialized methods of rehabilitation behavior in arthroscopic interventions of the MSS: small and large joints.
  • Manual Therapy for Joint Dysfunction of the MSS.
  • Application and implementation in clinical practice of highly specialized therapeutical techniques in the treatment and prevention of soft tissue dysfunctions and preclinical conditions of the MSS.
  • Habilitation and rehabilitation of congenital and acquired pathologies in childhood.
  • Neurorehabilitation in socially significant and rare diseases.