Introduction to inorganic chemistry

Introduction to inorganic chemistry


“Introduction to inorganic chemistry”- for students of the English language preparatory course
Автори: доц. Емил Рачин, дхн
първо издание
© Издателски център на МУ-Плевен
ISBN: - 954-756-076-5


The purpose of Introduction to Inorganic Chemistry is to provide students in English language preparatory course of the Medical University-Pleven with basic knowledge on chemical composition and structure.
Students are introduced to the field of inorganic chemistry through an understanding of its basic principles; elements and compounds; structure of the atom; oxidation-reduction processes; rate of chemical reactions; chemical equilibrium; as well as water solutions and acid-base theory.

The authors will be grateful to receive any suggestions for improvements in the content of the book, as well as notification of any errors.